Because YOU deserve to stand out.

New Era Marketing helps you develop an online presence with a consistent and eye-catching brand image. We help identify what makes your business unique and stand out from others with clear and professional marketing and design strategies. We aim to help you grow your business, interact with your clients, and cater to your future customers.

Marketing & Advertising

Branding Starter Pack

    • Primary & Secondary Logo

    • Informational Flyer

    • Business Cards

    • Color Brand Pallet

    • Brand Guidelines PDF

Social Media Management

  • Branding Starter Pack PLUS

    • Social Media Page Creations / Rebranding

    • Weekley Social Media Postings

    • Content Creation

    • Lead Follow Ups

    • Targeted Advertising

    • Email Marketing

Website Design Bundle

  • Branding Starter Pack PLUS

    • Custom Website

    • Mobile & Desktop Compatibility

    • Ongoing Website Edits & Support

    • E-Commerce, Invoicing, & Scheduling Integrations

New Era Marketing

  • What should we know about the services you provide? Better descriptions result in more sales.


Business Consulting